I’m late as all get out answering this one, sorry. I have been tagged. (Thanks Tazzee) And although, I wonder why folks would want to know this stuff about me I’mma answer the questions anyway. Here goes:
10 Years Ago-I was a junior at the oldest All Female Public High School in the nation, Western High School. I was a nerd, and proud of it. Well actually everyone at Western was a nerd. We were considered the smart saddity girls. People really had anything nice to say about us. We loved it! We were a freaking family. We might fight amongst ourselves, but let some other chicks come up there trying to start some mess. Puleeze, I might not even like the chick, but you better believe I wasn’t going to let a guest come into our spot and fuck with her, without having something to say. I LOVED being a Westernite! Also 1995 was the year that 12 people I knew all under the age of 21 were murdered or died. But hell, that was just part of growing up in Baltimore.
5 Years Ago-I was a junior in college and I honestly don’t remember much of that year other than I was bout to graduate and on the verge of losing my mind. Uhmmmm, that is really about it.
1 Year Ago-I was working for the City Council and wondering, ‘How the hell did I end up doing this BS?’ I was also in Kingstree, South Carolina for my family reunion.
Yesterday-Manic Monday. Had a good lunch with a friend I don’t get to see often and wish I could spend a lot more time with. I love talking to him. Also had a doctor’s appointment. Got a clean bill of gynecological health. (Other than an upside down uterus. Don’t even ask) Workout for like 3.5 hours late last night
Today-Nothing much. Working. Plan on meeting with some of my favorite girls later to discuss progress and success. Working out for about an hour tonight.
5 snacks I enjoy-gummy bears, grapes, Pop Tarts, bananas and chocolate chip cookies
5 bands to which I know most of the lyrics to most of their songs-112 (I love me some 112), Salt-N-Pepa, everyone else is a solo artist
5 Things I’d do with $100 million dollars-tithe, take care of key family and friends, build a new business school/open a scholarship fund for Clark Atlanta University, flip the $100 million into mo money.
5 locations I’d run away to-Venice, my own private island, Amsterdam…I need to travel more to know what to add to this list
5 bad habits I have-leaving cloths on the floor, procrastinating, ignoring people, lying about my feelings
5 things I like to do-write, sleep, read, watch football and hold a good back and forth conversation
5 things I would never wear-a string bikini, my name as a tattoo, bright red lipstick, clothing with huge labels on it, blond hair
5 TV shows I like-Law & Order, Desperate Housewives, SportsCenter, Hogan Knows Best (I know, I know, I know), American Idol
5 movies I like-Love & Basketball, When a Man Loves A Woman, Sixth Sense, The Color Purple, and As Good as It Gets.
5 Famous people I’d like to meet-Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Foxy Brown, Patti La Bell, myself in 6 years
5 biggest joys at the moment-writing something that causes someone else to feel emotions, spending time alone, getting ‘it’ while I am in church, listening to music, talking to my family in Connecticut
5 people to tag-I wont do that to yall