I have recently gone into another one of my introspective stages. That means that my current hobby is inspecting and dissecting myself. This process has given new life to one of a young girl’s icon—Wonder Woman.
Growing up in Baltimore I was pretty much a tomboy, which meant that my Tonka trucks, petrified army men and Transformers were numbers 1-3 on my list of favorite toys. The next seven spots typically were filled with educational toys. That knocked Barbie, Strawberry Shortcake and the rest of ladies right out of the top ten and placed them in the back of my closet. But there was one ‘girlie’ thing that could catch my attention and hold it-that was Wonder Woman. She could kick a dude’s ass, force him to tell the truth and still make him want to kiss her. (at some point and time I have wanted to do at least one of those to just about every man I know) And as kid I wanted to be her. I had my mother buy everything Wonder Woman-outfit, lunchbox even underwear. I was fascinated. Back then I was trying be Wonder Woman for the same reasons my cousins were pretending to be Hulk Hogan and Jake the Snake Roberts—I just wanted to be bigger than myself. I wanted to have it all and be affected by nothing.
Now after twenty years have rolled by and my entrance into my late twenties is only two and half weeks away I find that I am newly fascinated with Wonder Woman, or better yet becoming one in my own mind and actions. I am moved toward that childlike belief in myself. You know when you achieve all things and fail at nothing. It’s the kind of belief that makes you look at the game when things do go wrong and figure out a way to change the rules cause after all you always win.
My looks in the mirror reminded me of myself as child, of how convinced I once was that I was the best at everything. As far as I was concerned I could beat anyone in a foot race, wrestle the biggest dude on the playground, get the highest score on a test and still be the cutest girl in class on picture day. I knew it, it showed so everyone else believed it. And why wouldn’t they, I was Wonder Woman.
So why wasn’t I applying my old Wonder Woman mentality to my adult life? Why was I allowing my mind to be full of self-defeating thoughts? Well I knew the old school yard items wouldn’t apply today, so I thought about how could I be a Wonder Woman in my current stage in life. I created my own formula. I determined that I would need to have the perfect blend of strength and sexuality, confidence and fragility, intellect and faith. I would need to know I could do all things a man could do, but still enjoy the fact that I am not one and accept the fact that I need one. I’d have to know what I felt, understand why I felt and not be ashamed of how I felt. I would need to be motivated by challenges and obstacles. Basically, I would have to believe I’m the best and enjoy when someone calls me on it.
I thought about these things and they really weren’t that complicated. But I guess most things independently aren’t complicated, it’s the spin and perception we put on things that makes them seem to be bigger than they actually are. Just like Wonder Woman and most superheroes are just average folks in cool costumes, it’s the costumes and people’s perception that make them bigger than what they are. So instead of putting the symbolic costume on the things in my life, I will put it on my actual life and once again believe I am bigger than myself and the best at all things.
Should things go wrong along the way, I’ll just do as I did as a child and change the rules. Heck, it’s my life. And who is going to question me anyway—I’ll be Wonder Woman.