Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Relationship Keepsakes

As I tie up the loose ends on what I consider to be my first real relationship in a number of years, I struggle. I struggle with myself trying to make sure I don't end up adding my very own chapter to the Diary of An Angry Black Woman, because like most of the women I know I could very easily add a few chapters to this book. They might read something like this:

Chapter 1: Oh no he didn't?
Chapter 2: What the hell do I look like? He must think I am stupid.
Chapter 3: Me vs. Her. How did he go from Suga to Shit?

But I digress....

So one day last week I got into my 'Phuck A Man' mode and before I knew it I was running down all the things that were ever wrong with every dude I have ever dealt with in my entire life. I started remembering everything from the dude who would cut me off during conversations to the dude who couldn't keep it up. And the more I thought I found myself getting pissed and angry and bitter.

But then I thought about the bitter women I know, both young and old and decided I would not allow myself to become a member of that squad. So once I decided I didn't want to be a contributing author to the Bitter Bitch Handbook, (cause that is really all it is) I decided to figure out what positive things have I taken from the men I have let near my heart. Some were boyfriends and some were 'special friends' but they are all irreplaceable in my life. So here they are......

(And remember this list consists of ONLY the good)

The High School BF 1st boyfriend, 15-16 yrs old. He gave me my first real appreciation for hip-hop and showed me how far a dude will go if he wants to be with you.

The Teenage Sweetheart: 16-18. He gave me a rather pleasurable first sexual experience and always made sure he kissed me with lots of passion. I never felt more sexy and desirable then when I was with him.

The College Boo: 18-22. He showed me two very important things: 1) When a man tells you what he is capable of, believe him. and 2.) Friendship can be a powerful tie to a person.

The College Boo Part Duex: 21-23. (Yeah some of them overlap, so what?) He showed me how a true and complete gentleman behaves. I was always a priority and that was truly major.

The Replenisher: 23-24. He renewed my faith that love was real and reminded me how good it feels to allow myself to truly feel.

The Teacher: 25. He showed me that I had to capability to compromise and helped me to appreciate the fragile side of being a woman.

So these are six of the men who have impacted my life and heart and even though there was a lot of good and a lot of bad with each, I will choose to focus on the good. And I will remember this each time I want to go into 'Phuck A Man" mode. This is my list of Relationship Keepsakes.

What positive can you take from past relationships? What is on your Relationship Keepsake list?


Tazzee said...

LOL at the overlap.

I have only had two 'real' relationships in my life. My first taught me that I really was not ready for a relationship. I was 26 and I didn't know how to respect and submit to a man. I am sometimes ashamed when I recall the way I would berate Reggie in private and in front of others.

My second relationship showed me that I can love and respect a man. That I can be submissive to a man even if he makes less money than me, is younger than me, etc. It also confirmed my long held belief that a very strong spiritual connection is established when you have sexual relations with someone. Especially for me. After being celibate for 11 years, I let this man have that special part of me and now it is very difficult to break my connection with him. But I do know that with God all things are possible and if I continue to pray (with a pure heart), that tie will be broken so I can allow someone worthy of me (the great woman that I am) into my life again.

Star said...

Wow, 11 years! That takes a lot of discipline and obedience. I respect that a lot.

I am kinda proud of myself that I managed to get the whole submissive thing this early on in life. I know a lot of women 50+ who still havent quite figured that out and it shows in almost everything they do.

Tazzee said...

This is so true.

'the factors that govern relationships are awfully separate from the emotions that bring you into the situation'

That is why a relationship can't be based on emotions alone, it is something that both parties have to work at to keep it going. We have to consciously choose to enter into committed relationships and not be lead by emotions alone. As a matter of fact, in the beginning that emotion we're feeling is based on superficial things. We must take time to discern the other persons character before allowing full access to our hearts.