Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Drinking Prune Juice...

...And letting shit go. I was going to write this long, drawn out explanation detailing why I felt the need to write this post but then I figured, for what? I have some shit I need to let go of so here goes

--I like myself. Therefore there are times when I just want to be with myself. This is not an indication that anyone did anything to me or that I am upset about anything. It just means that I like myself.

--If another woman looks at me like I have lost my mind when I say I don’t think I want any children, I may punch her in the throat.

--Don’t tell me I have big breast, I know this already. Who do you think carries these damn boulders around all freakin day?

--Nine times out of ten, if you give me you opinion on something and I don’t respond. That means I don’t give a shit about your opinion, so stop trying to explain it.

-- Recently, I called my homeboy and asked him if I was funny looking cause all I was meeting was funny looking guys.

--I barely like kids by themselves but, bad-ass kids will make me dislike the parents.

--Looking back on it, my last boyfriend was an ass. And I wonder why I ever slept with him

--I hate whinny women. Get over it already.

--If I have come to the conclusion that I don’t like something, I have already thought it out. So please stop trying to change my mind.

--I am pissed at myself for the amount of weight I have gained.

--Sometimes I just say fuck it and mean it. Deal with it.

--Sometimes I reread my own stories and am fearful that they suck.

--Sometimes I reread my own stories and know they are better than 85% of the crap already in the bookstores.

--I think good social skills are more important than a good education.

--I am happy, excited, nervous and scared all at the same time about my new house. (Coming Fall 2005)
Hell, that felt good. There is so much more shit I needed to let go. I think I may make this a regular post. Well of course that is contingent on the other mess going on in my life.


Cheryl said...

Well enough said. If those nay-sayers have any more questions, tell them to step.

By the way - I hate whiney women too. Whiney people, in fact. They all suck.


Tazzee said...

I know you didn't number them, but points 1, 2 and 6 hit home with me. I love this type of post, so go ahead and get it all out.

I hate whiney men more than I hate whiney women, but whiney people in general get on my nerves. HOWEVER, I have been known to put on the baby voice when I want something from a man - some translate that as me whining, but its the only way I can feign the damsel in distress role.

Bullet Proof Diva said...

my dear STAR these posts are like soul food. I feel you on the kids thing, when I don't have baby fever, I don't want to feel bad about it, shoot, I may not procreate, deal with it (as you say).

Keep writing!

DasKrait said...

Ya, I feel ya on the 'what part of NO/not interested, did you not understand'.
be it food, music, movie, person, etc.

In fact I go one further, considering 'pushy' people just trying to demonstrate their contempt for my opinion on how I wish to live life.

audiofiled said...

I agree, you have big titties...
I hate bad children too (I say beat the brakes off em)

Anonymous said...

OK, why did I like that "Drinking Prune Juice...just gotta let shyt out!" lol

And why did I agree with 99.9% of yourpost...not that you give a damn!! lol

Keep writing, keep writing, keep writing!