Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I AM A Fighter


Guess what I realized today? I am a fighter always have been, always will be. It makes me stronger. Bending, buckling, bowing and breaking just do not work for me. It is just not in me. Never has been and never will be. And guess what else? I am OK with that. Actually I fucking love it.

I love fighting. I love to be underestimated. I enjoy being ridiculed. I relish the thought of being talked about and bad mouthed. Please give me a reason to put on my gloves, crack my neck and jump into the ring. That shit excites me. Tell me I am not something or that I can’t do something. Call me a bitch and wish failure upon me. I want you to. Hell I am begging you to do it. It gets my heart pumping, my mental cogs rolling, my feet get to moving and then I get to fighting. I plot and plan and then I blank out and just act.

Most times I end up on top and most times I don’t have the slightest clue how I got there. But when it is all over and the adrenaline has settled and I am sitting somewhere thinking to myself, ‘These motherfuckers must not have known. They couldn't have known, if they did they would not have challenged me. Fuck it. I guess they know now.’ When I am having that thought that is when I am at the most peace. I fought and I succeeded. I beat them. I won. And when it is over, guess what? I find myself waiting for the next battle. For the next motherfucker to say I am not cute enough or smart enough or to call me a bitch and really mean it.

I am a fighter. And fighters fight. We prep well, swing first and ask questions later.
That is just how it is done. We love for the odd to be totally against us. It gives us the opportunity to make our favorite recipe, humble pie, and spoon feed it to motherfuckers cold.

So got damn it I am a fighter and I love it. I love it and feed off of it. So to everyone who ever went up against me for any reason, I want to thank you. In the words of the little blond chick who sings her ass of, Christina Aguilera:

‘Makes me that much stronger, Makes me work a little bit harder, It makes me that much wiser, So thanks for making me a fighter, Made me learn a little bit faster, Made my skin a little bit thicker, Makes me that much smarter, So thanks for makin me a fighter’

I am a Fucking Fighter. And I love this shit.


Anonymous said...
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Eb the Celeb said...


I'm a fighter too and proud of it